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Saturday, October 19, 2024

Winners and Losers: Stand UP


Enlighten Radio Presents

Winners and Losers: John and Karen Review the Elections

Time to Stand UP, Not Drop Out!

Fridays: 7:30 AM

Hosts: Karen Valentine, John Case

We survey the experiences in the electoral ground game, and increasing concerns around the fascist dangers that persist, beyond liberal reasoning. Something more profound is going on.

This Episode Recorded October 18, 2024 at the Red Caboose Studio, Harpers Ferry, WV


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Monday, September 23, 2024

The Last Stop Cafe: About that Picnic Gnat-Bopper


Enlighten Radio Presents

The Last Stop Cafe: About that Picnic Gnat-Bopper

MIke Cuccherini on the Lamb Chop Nationals,

Juan Soto Come Home.

"There's No Crying In Baseball".


The Last Stop Cafe: About that Picnic Gnat-Bopper


Mondays 7ish in the morn, Eastern Time

Hosts: Mike Cuccherini, John Case

Its Playoff and World Series time. But the GNats won't be there this time. But don't worry. Don't worry. Stop biting your nails! Get it together! 

This Episode Recorded Sept 23, 2024 at the Red Caboose Studio, Harpers Ferry, WV


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Monday, September 2, 2024

Labor Beat Radio: Labor Day 2024 Special:


Enlighten Radio Presents

Labor Beat Radio: Labor Day 2024 Special:

Ring Them Bells -- UE James Matles' Prophetic Farewell Address, 1975 -- Ring Them Bells


Labor Beat Radio: Labor Day 2024 Special:

Jim Matles and Harry Bridges, circa 1970?

Regular Broadcasts LIVE, Tuesdays, 10 AM Eastern

Hosts: John Case

Description: Jim Matles was a legendary, founding leader of the CIO and a national officer of the UE for 38 years. Unimpressed by the consequences of "business unionism", his prophetic remarks stand up unweathered by nearly 50 years of history since his death shortly after this 1975 farewell address.

This Episode Recorded Sept 2, 2024 at the Red Caboose Studio, Harpers Ferry, WV


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Friday, August 30, 2024

Winners and Losers: Welcome, Takesha Martinez, Mayor of Hagerstown


Enlighten Radio Presents

Winners and Losers: Welcome, Takesha Martinez, Mayor of Hagerstown

Ordinary citizens can confront the powers of the world, and make poetry while they work.


Winners and Losers: Welcome, Takesha Martinez, Mayor of Hagerstown


Fridays, 7:30ish AM

Hosts: Karen Valentine, John Case


Special Guests:

James Boyd, Takesha Martinez

James Boyd joins Karen and John with a special guest: Takesha Ann Martinez, Mayor of Hagerstown, Md. Takesha's story is one of the most powerful in US local politics.

This Episode Recorded August 20, 2024 at the Red Caboose Studio, Harpers Ferry, WV


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Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Poetry Show: Classical Muses



Enlighten Radio Presents


Prelude to a Lifetime of Preludes


Prelude and Fugue


Could there really have been life before Bach? And what about Passion Without Discipline? Angela Torres, Lars Gustafson, Diane Seuss, Nikki Wallschlaeger

Broadcast LIVE Wednesdays, 10 AM on

Hosts: Janet Harrison, John Case

This Episode Recorded August 28, 2024

Prelude and Fugue

by Angela Narciso Torres

Something of late November
sifting through a window
brings back this prelude-

two voices blend, I lean
into the keys, draw back
when the voices part.

How the body remembers-
Señora V in a floral sundress,
rose talcum hand soft

on the curve of my spine
imprinting what she knew
of love and time. How could I know

what those notes would mean
decades of preludes ahead.


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The Poetry Show: Jazz, Gin, Bourbon? Does not matter where ya been...


Enlighten Radio Presents


Soledad Grandfather




The Featured poem is Robert Hayden's 'Soledad'. It turns out that Case's speculation about a poetical connection to the Soledad Prison rebellion of 1971 and the "Soledad Brothers" is complete fantasy! Hayden's poem does address imprisonment, and race, and addiction, but first appeared in the 1940's.

Broadcast LIVE Wednesdays, 10 AM on

Hosts: Janet Harrison, John Case

This Episode Recorded August 14, 2024


by Robert Hayden

(And I, I am no longer of that world)

Naked, he lies in the blinded room
chain-smoking, cradled by drugs, by jazz
as never by any lover's cradling flesh.

Miles Davis coolly blows for him:
O pena negra, sensual Flamenco blues;
the red clay foxfire voice of Lady Day

(lady of the pure black magnolias)
sobsings her sorrow and loss and fare you well,
dryweeps the pain his treacherous jailers

have released him from for a while.
His fears and his unfinished self
await him down in the anywhere streets.

He hides on the dark side of the moon,
takes refuge in a stained-glass cell,
flies to a clockless country of crystal.

Only the ghost of Lady Day knows where
he is. Only the music. And he swings
oh swings: beyond complete immortal now.


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The Poetry Show: The Blues Poetica



Enlighten Radio Presents


So weary....I might as well be Dead.


Riverbank Blues


Poetry inspired by the Blues music traditions. Langston Hughes, WH Auden, Shelly Ann Williams, Billy Collins

Broadcast LIVE Wednesdays, 10 AM on

Hosts: Janet Harrison, John Case

This Episode Recorded August 7, 2024

Riverbank Blues

Sterling A. Brown
1901 – 1989

A man git his feet set in a sticky mudbank,
A man git dis yellow water in his blood,
No need for hopin', no need for doin',
Muddy streams keep him fixed for good.

Little Muddy, Big Muddy, Moreau and Osage,
Little Mary's, Big Mary's, Cedar Creek,
Flood deir muddy water roundabout a man's roots,
Keep him soaked and stranded and git him weak.

Lazy sun shinin' on a little cabin,
Lazy moon glistenin' over river trees;
Ole river whisperin', lappin' 'gainst de long roots:
"Plenty of rest and peace in these . . ."

Big mules, black loam, apple and peach trees,
But seems lak de river washes us down
Past de rich farms, away from de fat lands,
Dumps us in some ornery riverbank town.

Went down to the river, sot me down an' listened,
Heard de water talkin' quiet, quiet lak an' slow:
"Ain' no need fo' hurry, take yo' time, take yo'
time . . ." Heard it sayin'—"Baby, hyeahs de way life go . . ."

Dat is what it tole me as I watched it slowly rollin',
But somp'n way inside me rared up an' say,
"Better be movin' . . . better be travelin' . . .
Riverbank'll git you ef you stay . . ."

Towns are sinkin' deeper, deeper in de riverbank,
Takin' on de ways of deir sulky Ole Man—
Takin' on his creepy ways, takin' on his evil ways,
"Bes' git way, a long way . . . whiles you can. Man got his
sea too lak de Mississippi Ain't got so long for a whole lot longer way,
Man better move some, better not git rooted Muddy water fool you, ef you stay . . ."

From The Collected Poems of Sterling A. Brown by Sterling A. Brown.


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The Last Stop Cafe: Is Football Dying?


Enlighten Radio Presents

The Last Stop Cafe: Is Football Dying?

Is Pro Football a sport anymore? Or Just a Biz?


The Last Stop Cafe: Is Football Dying?


Broadcasts LIVE, Mondays, 7:15 AM Eastern

Hosts: Mike Cuccherini, John Case, James Boyd

The Turd Sandwich Cafe has been sold. It found a better offer. The Last Stop Cafe cannot guarantee you won't be served a shit sandwich by Fate. But you do not have to eat it here. Outside -- a big decision, maybe a big mistake, awaits. But in here, it's a game -- and we are playing along, noting the desert, wolves, mountains and abyss beyond.

This Episode Recorded August 26, 2024 at the Red Caboose Studio, Harpers Ferry, WV


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Thursday, August 1, 2024

The Poetry Show: The Theme of Song


Enlighten Radio Presents


That Singer Stole My Coat:

From the Heel to the Throat


The Radio Is Playing Ray Charles


Poems on the theme of Song from Alice Ostriker, WB Yeats, Alan Shapiro, Elizabeth Bishop, and Susan Jackson, and Langston Hughes

Broadcast LIVE Wednesdays, 10 AM on

Hosts: Janet Harrison, John Case

This Episode Recorded July 31, 2024


The Radio Is Playing Ray Charles

by Susan Jackson

Georgia, Georgia the whole day through…
just an old sweet song…
I’m leaning into you
in the smoke and the slow dancing
those low notes
working their way up my spine
stirring up the night
throaty voices in the corner singing along
our hips touching
like moonlight through the pines
moonlight like a folded handkerchief
slanting through the window that night
Georgia, Georgia just a sweet and simple song…
and our whole life laying out like a road
still ahead of us.


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Monday, July 29, 2024

The Turd Sandwich Cafe: The Olympics!


Enlighten Radio Presents

The Turd Sandwich Cafe: The Olympics!

The Decimation of Trump, and the Rise of Cooperative, Olympic values, is at Hand. Else - make your reservation NOW for the TS Cafe.


The Turd Sandwich Cafe: The Olympics!


Broadcasts LIVE, Mondays, 7:30 AM Eastern

Hosts: Mike Cuccherini, John Case, James Boyd

James Boyd, formerly of Berkeley County, WV joins our program as a co-host. James, a Vietnam veteran, has a long record working to save lives threatened by opioid addiction, prison and poverty. In both West Virginia and New Jersey. He now resides in New Jersey. Mike does the sports and Olympics report. Then we dig into the stakes for the US and the world in the next 100 day campaign to elect Kamala Harris. and decimate the Confederate forces behind the Trump phenomenon. Case goes to 1860, and Lincoln, searching for a comparable context.

This Episode Recorded July 29, 2024 at the Red Caboose Studio, Harpers Ferry, WV


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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Winners and Losers: Hey Stranger!


Enlighten Radio Presents

Winners and Losers: Hey Stranger!

Darkness Darkness: Take Me To The Light


Winners and Losers: Hey Stranger!


Broadcasts LIVE Fridays 7:30 AM Eastern

Hosts: Karen Valentine, John Case

Karen and John are feeling better! Kamala is uplifting our spirits, and hopes --- from the Bottom --- and a Handmaid's Tale

This Episode Recorded July 26, 2024 at the Red Caboose Studio, Harpers Ferry, WV


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Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Poetry Show: West Virginia Poet Ruth MacQuade


Enlighten Radio Presents

A Coal Country Requiem


The Making of a Family Portrait


Ruth MacQuade, -- a retired federal prosecutor turned short story writer and poet now residing in Shepherdstown --- joins us to share 3 beautiful poems closely tied to her West Virginia coal country upbringing in a family of 15 children.

Broadcast LIVE Wednesdays, 10 AM on

Hosts: Janet Harrison, John Case

This Episode Recorded July 23, 2024

The Making of a Family Portrait

by Ruth MacQuade

It was to be a festive affair.
Making a family portrait at the Greenbrier Resort.
Painted by the famous portraiture artist W.H. Anderson,
who, before us, painted the portraits of Jimmy Carter and Richard Nixon.

Preparations for the portrait were hectic.
The girls needed permanents and matching dresses.
the boys, starched white shirts,
Mother, a new dress, Daddy, a new suit

Designed by my father, it was to be a symmetrical portrait.
The older children to be shown in four sets of three.
The youngest girl in the center, between my mother and father, and
the two youngest boys, at the bottom, facing each other.

Finished, the large 5-foot square family portrait
hung on the wall of my parents living room.
Proudly shown to anyone who wanted to see
the number of happy and healthy children my father sired and my mother reared.

But hidden behind the smiles are
the fearful face of my mother in the presence of my father,
the wincing faces of children caused by the belt lashing of their father,
and the sad faces of two brothers who died by suicide.


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Monday, July 22, 2024

The Turd Sandwich Cafe: Take that thing off yr EAR


Enlighten Radio Presents

The Turd Sandwich Cafe: Take that thing off Your EAR!

Trump's Shit Sandwich for America:

Kamala Harris Responds: "NO One, NO American, Should Eat This"


The Turd Sandwich Cafe:  Take that thing off yr EAR

Broadcasts LIVE, Mondays, 7:15 AM Eastern

Hosts: Mike Cuccherini, John Case

Mike and John note improvements in the Nationals baseball team, while ordering up, from the 69 SDS convention an "eat shit and die, fascist-imperialist business administration majors" SOS breakfast sandwich. The Harris campaign is not planning to show up at the cafe. they have to save the country. She may even need OUR help.

This Episode Recorded July 22, 2024 at the Red Caboose Studio, Harpers Ferry, WV


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Saturday, July 20, 2024

Winners and Losers Radio: The Presidential Fiasco


Enlighten Radio Presents

Winners and Losers Radio: The Presidential Fiasco

"Canada must feel like they live in an apartment above a meth lab."


Winners and Losers Radio: The Presidential Fiasco


Broadcast Fridays, 7:30-is AM Eastern

Hosts: Karen Valentine, John Case

The rise and normalization of Donald Trump and the Democratic Party crisis over Biden's alleged infirmities are setting our hair on fire.

This Episode Recorded July 19 2024 at the Red Caboose Studio, Harpers Ferry, WV


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The Poetry Show: Poetry about Paintings: Go Van Gogh!

Enlighten Radio Presents


Art as the subject of Art Yields Masterpiece's Multiplied


Monet's Water Lilies


Janet introduces some poems about paintings and painters: Vincent Van Gogh, Rembrandt, and Monet. Poets include Robert Hayden and Robert Murre

Broadcast LIVE Wednesdays, 10 AM on

Hosts: Janet Harrison, John Case

This Episode Recorded July 17, 2024

Monet's Water Lilies

by Robert Hayden

Today as the news from Selma and Saigon
poisons the air like fallout,
I come again to see
the serene, great picture that I love.
Here space and time exist in light
the eye like the eye of faith believes.
The seen, the known
dissolve in iridescence, become
illusive flesh of light
that was not, was, forever is.
O light beheld as through refracting tears.
Here is the aura of that world
each of us has lost.
Here is the shadow of its joy.


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Labor Beat Radio: Sean O’Brien at the RNC


Enlighten Radio Presents

Labor Beat Radio: Sean O'Brien at the RNC

Teamster President normalizes Trump: Good, or Bad?


Labor Beat Radio: Sean O'Brien at the RNC


Broadcasts LIVE, Tuesdays, 10 AM Eastern

Hosts: John Case, JB Christensen, Scott Marshall


Special Guest: Joe Henry

Description: Special Guest Joe Henry joins the LB team to discuss the pros and cons of Teamster President Sean O'Brien's remarks and presence at the Republican National Convention. Joe is a retired Teamster active for many years and a former staff organizer for President Ron Carey, a legendary reformer in the Teamsters union.


This Episode Recorded July 16, 2024 at the Red Caboose Studio, Harpers Ferry, WV


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Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Winners and Losers: The Solar Farm Flap, Part 2


Enlighten Radio Presents

Winners and Losers: The Solar Farm Flap, Part 2

Corporate Tax Breaks for Development -- Are they worth it?


Winners and Losers: The Solar Farm Flap, Part 2


Broadcast LIVE Fridays, 7:30 AM Eastern on

Hosts: Karen Valentine, John Case


Special Guest: Dr. John Aldis

Dr John Aldis appears and weighs in on the pros and cons of the Solar Farm projects ongoing in the county. Dr Aldis retired from Federal service as a physician at US embassies across the world. In retirement he has been an advocate for medically assisted treatment of addiction. He has been a frequent commentator on local media, and past versions of this radio program.

This Episode Recorded 07/12/1014 at the Red Caboose Studio, Harpers Ferry, WV


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Wednesday, July 10, 2024

The Poetry Show: Hiram Larew -- Poems of Gratitude



Enlighten Radio Presents


Special Guest -- Hiram Larew




Hiram Larew shares poems of gratitude and wonder, and a delightful tiptoe across images and moments as if they were jeweled islands in a sea of stars.

Broadcast LIVE Wednesdays, 10 AM on

Hosts: Janet Harrison, John Case

This Episode Recorded July 10, 2024


The Irish Potato Famine occurred from 1845-1849.

Achill Sound

by Hiram Larew

When the roads curve like sound
    and dip as if lifting to bow
Whenever all thoughts round or cluster
    or when hearts call down
        is Ireland

And as rich when poor was
    or as wise as bare heads in snow seemed
and as twigs so frail broke into song
    and as true as any blight or potato could be
        was Ireland

So when sand laps the senses
    or salt drips the edges as dreams
Whenever hope streams through such heavens
    and moss comes home
    or hearts beam down
            is Ireland.


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Monday, July 8, 2024

The Poetry Show: Poems with Questions


Enlighten Radio Presents


Question: What Would Happen if This is the Answer?




Pablo Neruda, Rumi, Mary Oliver, Nancy Willard, Lawrence Raab get the READER directly involved in the Poem.

Broadcast LIVE Wednesdays, 10 AM on

Hosts: Janet Harrison, John Case

This Episode Recorded July 7, 2024


The Book of Questions, III
Pablo Neruda

Tell me, is the rose naked
or is that her only dress?
Why do trees conceal
the splendor of their roots?
Who hears the regrets
of the thieving automobile?
Is there anything in the world sadder
than a train standing in the rain?


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Friday, July 5, 2024

Winnes and Losers: The Solar Farm Flap, Pt 1


Enlighten Radio Presents

Winnes and Losers: The Solar Farm Flap, Pt 1

Political Mud-fight Over Development while the whole Republic Burns Down?

While they weren't looking, debating other matters, this happened:



Winnes and Losers: The Solar Farm Flap, Pt 1


(The photo is from Haiti, so its cheating a bit, but does not overstate "What's going on!".). 


Broadcasts LIVE Fridays, 7ish AM

Hosts: Karen Valentine, John Case

Economic Development. What are the right answers weighing jobs, environment, taxation? Another Jefferson County Flap over development that, in the absence of any comprehensive plan, will likely be settled by simple market forces. 

Will anyone pay attention to details with national politics so agitated and divided?

This Episode Recorded July 5, 2024 at the Red Caboose Studio, Harpers Ferry, WV


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Friday, June 28, 2024

Winners and Losers: Time to Sober Up, Folks.


Enlighten Radio Presents

Winners and Losers: Say It Aint So, Joe

Time to Sober Up, Folks.

If Jaime Dimon steps in, we can stop debating whether finance capital zillionaires are running the country.


Winners and Losers:  Time to Sober Up, Folks.


Broadcasting LIVE Fridays at 7:30 AM Eastern:

Hosts: Karen Valentine, John Case

Karen and John mourn the Biden Trump debate. Could be the end for Biden. Whoever pushed him over the edge may be guilty of elder abuse.

This Episode Recorded June 28, 2024 at the Red Caboose Studio, Harpers Ferry, WV


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Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Poetry Show: Belief



Enlighten Radio Presents


What Does It Mean 'To Believe'?


I Believe I Remember Love


Themes of "belief" are the mosaic of poems displayed this week: from Bob Kaufman, William Blake, DH Lawrence, Mark Gibbons and Rainer Maria Rilke.

Broadcast LIVE Wednesdays, 10 AM on

Hosts: Janet Harrison, John Case

This Episode Recorded June 26, 2024

I Believe I Remember Love

by Mark Gibbons

My mother was transforming
another tough pot roast into meat loaf,
grinding up chunks of gristly beef, bovine scraps
she’d boned off a shoulder blade.
As she bore down on the stiff
crank handle & fed the iron gullet
of the meat grinder, the auger hole, I stood
beside her, a shadow, not yet two,
held onto the counter & cutting board, listened to
the squish & roar of meat pushing through
spaghetti sized holes. I was mesmerized
by those oozing red hamburger strings.
In a flash I reached up & plugged a hole
with my finger to stop the flow, didn’t know about
the slashing, windmilling knives
turning industriously, cleaving all meat.
My mother & I screamed, cried hysterically,
held hands & a dish towel full of blood
while my dad drove the thirty miles of curvy
road, a two lane along the river, cussing,
full throttle. They hustled me through the lobby
of the clinic, brick & glass. I saw wheel chairs,
white gowns running about, watched
an overhead light fade. Finally, at home
I remember sitting on the floor in overalls,
a lemon sucker in one hand & plaster
cast on the other, people laughing, smiling at me:
the fabled "Little Dutch Boy" who survived
the flood. I was the talk of the neighborhood,
the focus of the family. My first memory,
that trauma, was perfect drama. An audience brings
us joy. Our greatest happiness is
the belief we are loved. It’s what we live for,
what we desire most. We learn to tolerate
any pain, risk blood or breath, anything, if
we believe we are loved, right now, forever.


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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Labor Beat Radio: Teamsters Take on Amazon, and Headline RNC


Enlighten Radio Presents

Labor Beat Radio: Teamsters Take on Amazon, and Headline RNC

Trump Woos Teamsters


Labor Beat Radio:  Teamsters Take on Amazon, and Headline RNC


Broadcasts LIVE, Tuesdays, 10 AM Eastern

Hosts: John Case, JB Christensen, Scott Marshall

Description: The Teamster merger with the Amazon Labor Union, its invite to headline the Republican National Convention, The Mercedes Co foregoes raises promised if union defeated.

This Episode Recorded June 25, 2024 at the Red Caboose Studio, Harpers Ferry, WV


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Monday, June 24, 2024

The Turd Sandwich Café: Say Hey, Willie Mays


Enlighten Radio Presents

The Turd Sandwich Café: Say Hey, Willie Mays

Willie is gone. And a world with him.


The Turd Sandwich Café:  Say Hey, Willie Mays


Broadcasts LIVE, Mondays, 7:15 AM Eastern

Hosts: Mike Cuccherini, John Case

A tribute to Willie Mays. The Baseball Movie About A Peg Leg Slugger, The Commanders look good to Mike. A sandwich special where you get to eat your enemy, after stabbing it.

This Episode Recorded June 24, 2024 at the Red Caboose Studio, Harpers Ferry, WV


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Saturday, June 22, 2024

Recovery Radio: Donny 99


Enlighten Radio Presents

Recovery Radio: Donny 99

Recovery of the Country from Poverty and Racism and War -- in Doubt


Recovery Radio: Donny 99


Fridays, 2PM

Hosts: James Boyd, John Case

Back on the radio, James and John talk about the mess the country is in, and yet there is beauty in unexpected places. Also, James returns to work!

This Episode Recorded June 21, 2024 at the Red Caboose Studio, Harpers Ferry, WV


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Friday, June 21, 2024

Winners and Losers: Lucia Valentine For Delegate

Winners and Losers: Lucia Valentine For Delegate


Enlighten Radio Presents

Winners and Losers: Lucia Valentine For Delegate

Clean Air, Clean Water and Higher Pay 


Broadcast LIVE Fridays, 7:30 AM on

Hosts: Karen Valentine, John Case


Lucia Valentine is the Democratic candidate for the WV House of Delegates 97th district. Endorsed by numerous local groups, including the AFL-CIO, she joins other young progressive voices claiming a voice in West Virginia's future.

This Episode Recorded June 21, 2024 at the Red Caboose Studio, Harpers Ferry, WV


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Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The Poetry Show: Celebrating Juneteenth, 2024

Enlighten Radio Presents

Remember the Pullman Porters



Nikki Giovanni's "Rosa Parks" headlines this celebration of Juneteenth. Lucille Clifton, Margaret Walker, Sojourner Kincaid Rolle, Dudley Randall, and Langston Hughes.

Broadcast LIVE Wednesdays, 10 AM on

Hosts: Janet Harrison, John Case

This Episode Recorded June 19, 2024

"won’t you celebrate with me"

by Lucille Clifton

1936 - 2010


won't you celebrate with me
what i have shaped into
a kind of life? i had no model.
born in babylon
both nonwhite and woman
what did i see to be except myself?
i made it up
here on this bridge between
starshine and clay,
my one hand holding tight
my other hand; come celebrate
with me that everyday
something has tried to kill me
and has failed.


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Labor Beat Radio: WV AFL-CIO President Josh Sword on WV Jobs


Enlighten Radio Presents

Labor Beat Radio: WV AFL-CIO President Josh Sword on WV Jobs

The Arch2 Hub: 20,000 Jobs and vast taxable wealth


Labor Beat Radio: WV AFL-CIO President Josh Sword on WV Jobs


Broadcasts LIVE, Tuesdays, 10 AM Eastern

Hosts: John Case, JB Christensen 

Guest: Josh Sword

Description: President Sword gives updates on the ARCH2 Hub project as well as other projects included in the bi-partisan Infrastructure and Inflation reduction acts

This Episode Recorded June 18, 2024 at the Red Caboose Studio, Harpers Ferry, WV


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Monday, June 17, 2024

Labor Beat Radio. Things were looking up....then the Starbucks ruling

Enlighten Radio Presents

Labor Beat Radio. Things were looking up....then the Starbucks ruling

Big Rock Candy Mountain not yet in sight


Labor Beat Radio. Things were looking up....then the Starbucks ruling


Broadcasts LIVE, Tuesdays, 10 AM Eastern

Hosts: John Case, JB Christensen, Scott Marshall

Description: JB Scott and John note new developments with Starbucks and Amazon campaigns, and layout the steady and broad mobilization into the 2024 election cycle,.

This Episode Recorded June 11, 2024 at the Red Caboose Studio, Harpers Ferry, WV


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The Winners and Losers Radio Program:


Enlighten Radio Presents

The Winners and Losers Radio Program:

The Revolution  Café is open -- Got Nuthin'? 

Nuthin' to Lose but Chains


The Winners and Losers Radio Program:


Broadcasts LIVE, Fridays 7 AM Eastern

Hosts: John Case

Sojourner Kincaid Rolle -- Free at Last: Juneteenth

Bob Dylan: It's Alright, Ma

"...not dark yet, but is getting there"

This Episode Recorded June 14, 2024 at the Red Caboose Studio, Harpers Ferry, WV


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The Poetry Show: Fathers Day


Enlighten Radio Presents


Portraits of a Father as a Young Man


The Portrait

Special Guest: Robert Tobias


Robert Tobias headlines our Fathers Day poetry show with his striking poem -- "The Gift". Thanks to him for joining us in our red caboose zoom studio. 

Also to fulfill our neuro-diversity mission, father stricken poems from Stanley Kunitz, Rainer Maria Rilke, Robert Hayden and Bruce Weigl.

Broadcast LIVE Wednesdays, 10 AM on

Hosts: Janet Harrison, John Case

This Episode Recorded June 10, 2024

The Portrait

by Stanley Kunitz 1905 - 2006

My mother never forgave my father
for killing himself,
especially at such an awkward time
and in a public park,
that spring
when I was waiting to be born.
She locked his name
in her deepest cabinet
and would not let him out,
though I could hear him thumping.
When I came down from the attic
with the pastel portrait in my hand
of a long-lipped stranger
with a brave moustache
and deep brown level eyes,
she ripped it into shreds
without a single word
and slapped me hard.
In my sixty-fourth year
I can feel my cheek
still burning


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Sunday, June 16, 2024

The Poetry Show: Storms


Enlighten Radio Presents


The Raindrop on Your Cheek -- Not Just Weather - or is it?



The poetry of storms: rain, wind, thunder, lightening. Janet brings some beauties to the show from Langston Hughes, Jean Toomer, Sara Teasdale, Emily Dickinson, Soran M. H.

Broadcast LIVE Wednesdays, 10 AM on

Hosts: Janet Harrison, John Case

This Episode Recorded June 5, 2024

A House in Taos

by Langston Hughes

 1901 -- 1967

Thunder of the Rain God:
And we three
Smitten by beauty.
Thunder of the Rain God:
And we three
Weary, weary.
Thunder of the Rain God:
And you, she and I
Waiting for nothingness.
Do you understand the stillness
Of this house in Taos
Under the thunder of the Rain God?
That there should be a barren garden
About this house in Taos
Is not so strange,
But that there should be three barren hearts
In this one house in Taos,—
Who carries ugly things to show the sun?
Did you ask for the beaten brass of the moon?
We can buy lovely things with money,
You, she and I,
Yet you seek,
As though you could keep,
This unbought loveliness of moon.
Touch our bodies, wind.
Our bodies are seperate, individual things.
Touch our bodies, wind,
But blow quickly
Through the red, white, yellow skins
Of our bodies
To the terrible snarl,
Not mine,
Not yours,
Not hers,
But all one snarl of souls.
Blow quickly, wind,
Before we run back into the windlessness
With our bodies”
Into the windlessness
Of our house in Taos.

From Caroling Dusk (Harper & Brothers, 1927), edited by Countee Cullen.

This poem is in the public domain.


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The Turd Sandwich Café: The Supreme Court Serves up the You’re Fired Sandwich


Enlighten Radio Presents

The Turd Sandwich Café: The Supreme Court Serves up the You're Fired Sandwich

Al Capone: When at Bat -- your turn to shine. In the field, ITS A TEAM


The Turd Sandwich Café: The Supreme Court Serves up the You're Fired Sandwich


Mondays 7:30 AM

Hosts: Mike Cuccherini, John Case


Achilles as Usual

The Wayans, Jason Bourne, Achilles, Cassandra, the Ghost of Victor Robles. Its all about the immigrant.

This Episode Recorded June 10, 2024 at the Red Caboose Studio, Harpers Ferry, WV


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The Turd Sandwich Cafe{ Mike to Victor Robles: ”GO! BE Bone!”


Enlighten Radio Presents

The Turd Sandwich Cafe: Mike to Victor Robles: "GO! BE Gone!"

Don't Cry for Caitlin, America.


The Turd Sandwich Cafe{ Mike to Victor Robles:


Mondays 7:30 AM

Hosts: Achilles, Hector


Special Guest: Cassandra

Mike claims the Nats are getting better. At what, I ask? Losing with Hope?

This Episode Recorded June 3, 2024 at the Red Caboose Studio, Harpers Ferry, WV


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Sunday, May 19, 2024

Recovery Radio: The Miracle Thomas Interview


Enlighten Radio Presents

Recovery Radio: The Miracle Thomas Interview



Recovery Radio: The Miracle Thomas Interview


Broadcasting LIVE, 2 PM Friday Afternoons

Hosts: John Case, James Boyd


Special Guest: Miracle Thomas

James welcomes Miracle Thomas, an American multi-genre singer, songwriter and producer, to Recovery Radio. The talk is about concert performances could contribute to recovery causes -- and the survival of hardworking and talented musicians too!

This Episode Recorded May 17, 2024 at the Red Caboose Studio, Harpers Ferry, WV


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Winners and Losers: Goin’ To Mississippi Already in the Rear View Mirror


Enlighten Radio Presents

Winners and Losers: Goin' To Mississippi Already in the Rear View Mirror

Jefferson County Primary Results, investigated, but mystery remains.


Winners and Losers: Goin' To Mississippi Already in the Rear View Mirror


Broadcast LIVE Fridays, 7:30 AM

Hosts: Karen Valentine, John Case

John visits Jefferson County neighborhoods with labor endorsed Republican. Finds deeply baked-in individuals pledged to bring the Trump bible into public school libraries.

This Episode Recorded May 17, 2024 at the Red Caboose Studio, Harpers Ferry, WV


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The Poetry Show: Hope Poems Are Not Always Hopeful



Enlighten Radio Presents


Is Hope for the Wise?




Janet was inspired to find poems of hope and rebirth after the harsh weather of Spanish Civil War poetry from last week. This week features: WS Merwin, ADAM ZAGAJEWSKI, Robertson Jeffers, Emily Dickinson, and others.

Broadcast LIVE Wednesdays, 10 AM on

Hosts: Janet Harrison, John Case

This Episode Recorded May 15, 2025


by WS Merwin


with the night falling we are saying thank you
we are stopping on the bridges to bow from the railings
we are running out of the glass rooms
with our mouths full of food to look at the sky
and say thank you
we are standing by the water thanking it
standing by the windows looking out
in our directions
back from a series of hospitals back from a mugging
after funerals we are saying thank you
after the news of the dead
whether or not we knew them we are saying thank you
over telephones we are saying thank you
in doorways and in the backs of cars and in elevators
remembering wars and the police at the door
and the beatings on stairs we are saying thank you
in the banks we are saying thank you
in the faces of the officials and the rich
and of all who will never change
we go on saying thank you thank you
with the animals dying around us
taking our feelings we are saying thank you
with the forests falling faster than the minutes
of our lives we are saying thank you
with the words going out like cells of a brain
with the cities growing over us
we are saying thank you faster and faster
with nobody listening we are saying thank you
thank you we are saying and waving
dark though it is


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Labor Beat Radio: The Road Ahead


Enlighten Radio Presents

Labor Beat Radio: The Road Ahead

99 Indictments, and still free -- Meanwhile, the prices keep rising.


Labor Beat Radio: The Road Ahead


Broadcasts LIVE, Tuesdays, 10 AM Eastern

Hosts: John Case

Description: Inflation, remedied by a "corrective" depression, and war, are threats on the downside. The Upside is a tight labor market and a rising tide of solidarity in labor: Time to squeeze for cash. Lord knows we need it.

This Episode Recorded May 14, 2024 at the Red Caboose Studio, Harpers Ferry, WV


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The \Turd Sandwich Cafe: The Nationals Cannot be Underestimated


Enlighten Radio Presents

The \Turd Sandwich Cafe: The Nationals Cannot be Underestimated

Should National Sports Teams embrace religions?


The \Turd Sandwich Cafe: The Nationals Cannot be Underestimated


Broadcasts LIVE, Mondays, 7:15 AM Eastern

Hosts: Mike Cuccherini, John Case

Mike comes down hard on National critics.

This Episode Recorded May 13, 2024 at the Red Caboose Studio, Harpers Ferry, WV


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Friday, May 10, 2024

Winners and Losers Radio: Local Politics -- the Higher Wages Candidate


Enlighten Radio Presents

Winners and Losers Radio: Local Politics -- the Higher Wages Candidate

Maria Russo for WV House of Delegates in Jefferson County, WV


Winners and Losers Radio: Local Politics -- the Higher Wages Candidate


Broadcasts LIVE, Fridays at 7:30 AM

Hosts: Karen Valentine, John Case


Maria Russo

Special guest Maria Russo, Jefferson County candidate for the House of Delegates District 100 joins Karen and John for the little and big questions.

This Episode Recorded May 10, 2024 at the Red Caboose Studio, Harpers Ferry, WV


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The Poetry Show: The Spanish Civil War in Poetry


 Enlighten Radio Presents


Spain in Our Hearts: All of Us or None


All of Us or None


Poetry of the Spanish Civil War on the anti-Fascist side: Neruda, Brecht, Langston Hughes

Broadcast LIVE Wednesdays, 10 AM on

Hosts: Janet Harrison, John Case

This Episode Recorded May 8, 2024

All of Us or None

by Berthold Brecht

Slave, who is it that shall free you?
Those in deepest darkness lying.
Comrade, only these can see you
Only they can hear you crying.
Comrade, only slaves can free you.
Everything or nothing. All of us or none.
One alone his lot can’t better.
Either gun or fetter.
Everything or nothing. All of us or none.
You who hunger, who shall feed you?
If it’s bread you would be carving,
Come to us, we too are starving.
Come to us and let us lead you.
Only hungry men can feed you.
Everything or nothing. All of us or none.
One alone his lot can’t better.
Either gun or fetter.
Everything or nothing. All of us or none.
Beaten man, who shall avenge you?
You, on whom the blows are falling,
Hear your wounded brothers calling.
Weakness gives us strength to lend you.
Come to us, we shall avenge you.
Everything or nothing. All of us or none.
One alone his lot can’t better.
Either gun or fetter.
Everything or nothing. All of us or none.
Who, oh wretched one, shall dare it?
He who can no longer bear it.
Counts the blows that arm his spirit.
Taught the time by need and sorrow,
Strikes today and not tomorrow.
Everything or nothing. All of us or none.
One alone his lot can’t better.
Either gun or fetter.
Everything or nothing. All of us or none.


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Labor Beat Radio, May 7: Labor and AI, Pt 1


Enlighten Radio Presents

AI Partnership: AFL-CIO and Microsoft


Labor Beat Radio, May 7:  Labor and AI, Pt 1


Broadcasts LIVE, Tuesdays, 10 AM Eastern

Hosts: John Case, JB Christensen, Scott Marshall

Description: The Labor Beat Team evals an historic partnership agreement between the AFL-CIO and Microsoft. Liz Shuler, President of the AFL-CIO, and Brad Smith, President of Microsoft explain.

This Episode Recorded May 7, 2024 at the Red Caboose Studio, Harpers Ferry, WV


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Monday, May 6, 2024

The Turd Sandwich Café: Commander Looking Good


Enlighten Radio Presents

The Turd Sandwich Café: Commanders Looking Good

Sports Highlights with Gaza Sauce


The Turd Sandwich Café: Commander Looking Good


Broadcasts LIVE, Mondays, 7:15 AM Eastern

Hosts: Mike Cuccherini, John Case

Mike and John Return for a Truly shitty breakfast sandwich. Nothin worse will happen the rest of the day. Sports highlights with Gaza sauce, so to speak.

This Episode Recorded May 6, 2024 at the Red Caboose Studio, Harpers Ferry, WV


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Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Poetry Show: Native Voices for May Day, 2024



Enlighten Radio Presents


Native Voices for May Day, 2024


A Story of how a Wall Stands


The Poetry Show features poems by Sjmon Ortiz, SHERMAN ALEXIE, Leslie Marmon Silko, and Joy Harjo

Broadcast LIVE Wednesdays, 10 AM on

Hosts: Janet Harrison, John Case

This Episode Recorded May 1, 2024


A Story of how a Wall Stands
by Simon Ortiz

At Aacqu, there is a wall almost 400 years old which supports hundreds of tons of dirt and bones - it's a graveyard built on a steep incline - and it looks like it's about to fall down the incline but it will not for a long time

My father, who works with stone,
says, "That's just the part you see,
The stones which seem to be
just packed in on the outside,"
and with his hands puts the stone and mud
in place. "Underneath what looks like loose stone,
there is stone woven together."
He ties one hand over the other,
fitting like the bones of his hands
and fingers. "That's what is
Holding it together."
"It is built that carefully,"
he says, "the mud mixed
to a certain texture," patiently
"with the fingers," worked
in the palm of his hand. "So that
placed between the stones, they hold
together for a long, long time."
He tells me those things,
the story of them worked
with his fingers, in the palm
of his hands, working the stone
and the mud until they become
the wall that stands a long, long time.


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