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Friday, February 28, 2025

Paris on the Potomac: A Hard Rain is Fallin’


Enlighten Radio Presents

Paris on the Potomac: A Hard Rain is Fallin'


Paris on the Potomac: A Hard Rain is Fallin'

Special Guest: Zach Shrewsbury:

Bluejay Rising is Spreading Across West Virginia

Bluejay Rising is a community action driven political movement. Zach Shrewsbury's historic US Senate campaign was just a beginning of a new kind of politics. The floods in southern West Virginia exposed the utter incompetence -- and indifference -- of the very noisy Trumpers running the WV state government's response (or lack of response) to a serious crisis wiping out hundreds of families' homes.

This Episode Recorded February 28, 2025 at the Red Caboose Studio, Harpers Ferry, WV


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Friday, February 14, 2025

Paris on the Potomac: Your Government Has Been Overthrown


Enlighten Radio Presents

Paris on the Potomac:

St Valentine Day Massacre

Tens of thousands of loyal, devoted Federal Workers Summarily Fired



Paris on the Potomac: Special Guest Joe Grey


Fridays, 7:30_ish AM Eastern -- LIVE

Special Guest: Joe Grey

The people who serve the American people, under sacred civil and moral codes, have been betrayed by a scrum of billionaires masquerading as populists. Special guest Joe Grey joins us. Joe is a retired federal worker, a friend, frequent guest and commenter on this program for a number of years. His recollections of the codes of duty and sacrifices of federal workers now frame a memoir as a painful eulogy.

This Episode Recorded Feb 14, 2025 at the Red Caboose Studio, Harpers Ferry, WV


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Wednesday, February 12, 2025

The Poetry Show: Love Poems (romantic) on Valentine’s Eve


Enlighten Radio Presents

To the Marriage of True Minds


Sonnet XI


Love poems both ideal and sensual, married and seasoned: Yeats, e.e. cummings, Willie the Shake, Rilke, Neruda.

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Broadcast Wednesdays 10 AM Eastern on

Hosts: Janet Harrison, John Case

This Episode Recorded Feb 12, 2025

Sonnet XI

by Pablo Neruda 

I crave your mouth, your voice, your hair.
Silent and starving, I prowl through the streets.
Bread does not nourish me, dawn disrupts me, all day
I hunt for the liquid measure of your steps.
I hunger for your sleek laugh,
your hands the color of a savage harvest,
hunger for the pale stones of your fingernails,
I want to eat your skin like a whole almond.
I want to eat the sunbeam flaring in your lovely body,
the sovereign nose of your arrogant face,
I want to eat the fleeting shade of your lashes,
and I pace around hungry, sniffing the twilight,
hunting for you, for your hot heart,
like a puma in the barrens of Quitratue.


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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Labor Beat Radio: The labor movement: guardian of democracy


Enlighten Radio Presents

Labor Beat Radio: The labor movement: guardian of democracy

Special Guest: Constitutional historian Ray Smock.


Labor Beat Radio: The labor movement: guardian of democracy


Broadcasts LIVE, Tuesdays, 10 AM Eastern

Hosts: John Case, JB Christensen, Scott Marshall


Guests: Ray Smock

Retired director of the Byrd Legislative center at Shepherd University

Description: Ray Smock is a retired offical historian of the US House of Representatives, and a powerful, eloquent commentator on the current political scene and the emergent constitutional crisis.

This Episode Recorded February 11, 2014 at the Red Caboose Studio, Harpers Ferry, WV

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Thursday, February 6, 2025

The Poetry Show: Telescopes



Enlighten Radio Presents


Between the Blaze and the Black: Thru the Lens


Night of the Telescopes


Janet says she went looking for planet poems, after pondering the stars. She was not satisfied, but found -- beautiful poems on the theme of telescopes: Get to know the planets, and stars, and ourselves, better. Ted Kooser, Louise Gluck, Emma Trelles, Jessica Young, Diane Thiel, Kewayne Wadley report in verse.

Broadcast Wednesdays 10 AM Eastern,

Hosts: Janet Harrison, John Case

This Episode Recorded February 6, 2025


Night of the Telescopes

by Emma Trelles

I have buried my share and hardly anyone knows.
A house must hold ghosts, writing
Names across funereal woods and windows
Good for viewing the lingering past.
This night of telescopes fixes the cold
October sky—a Saturn so delicate as if
Sketched by moths holding to nearby stones
For their lives. The sutures of the moon drift
Into sharpness and a hand points to the inevitable screen
Another haunt in this dim garden where voices ride
Across pines and the invisible fountain locked
In the same little song. Here is the Sea of Crisis
And I would recognize its expanse anywhere
Having visited often, even beneath my lids when I disappear
At night to visit with a father who no longer knows me
Or the dead who always do, and glow like the rain or a rose
Finished with the business of becoming. I can’t say the worst
Because I’ll keep living it. Machine of the mind. Belt
Of the hunter. I can spot his patient blade from either coast—
The one where I drown the one where I love the one
Where I keep rowing through the blaze and the black.


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Sunday, February 2, 2025

Paris on the Potomac: A Chance to Stand Up


Enlighten Radio Presents

Paris on the Potomac: A Chance to Stand Up

If you are waiting for a savior, Spartacus may be the only one coming!


Paris on the Potomac:  A Chance to Stand Up


Broadcasts Fridays 7:30 AM on

Hosts: Karen Valentine, John Case, James Boyd

Karen, John and James walk through impending collapse of US democracy, and peace between peoples.

This Episode Recorded Jan 31, 2025 at the Red Caboose Studio, Harpers Ferry, WV


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The Poetry Show: Stars

Enlighten Radio Presents


Stars of Gold and Sunsets Burn


Brief Lull between Clinical Depressions


Janet and John read some Star poems, following the Moon show, and planning on Planets next week: Sara Teasdale, Emily Dickinsen, Janet's own poetry, WH Auden, and Walt Whitman join the show.

Broadcast Wednesdays 10 AM Eastern

Hosts: Janet Harrison, John Case

This Episode Recorded Jan 28, 2025


Brief Lull between Clinical Depressions

by Janet Harrison


The sprawling stars that stud the night
look close enough to grasp. Imagine-
if they were marbles the sparkling games
we'd play: a new meaning for "a shooting star",
a chance to gather galaxies. I'll trade
Aldebaran and Sirius for the Pleiades.

Rare and cherished,
this clarity flees despite my wish
to cling, to close my fist tight.
Only void in my hand─
despite the tantalizing stars,
now grown distant and so cold.


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