Enlighten Radio Presents:
The Spirits of Shepherdstown III --
Karen's Return through Survival to the Light
Reflections on the Passing of
Tina Turner
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Labor Beat Radio broadcasts LIVE Tuesday mornings, 7:30 AM Eastern Time
This week's Theme: WV R tax-cut frauds imperil vital state services. The disregard of self insured billionaires and millionaires can set fire to whole communities.
Hosts John Case, JB Christensen and Scott Marshall welcome
West Virginia Center for Budget and Policy
Seth DiStefano is the policy outreach director at the West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy. A native of Randolph County, WV, Seth is a graduate of Tygarts Valley High School and holds a B.A. in liberal arts and sciences from West Virginia University. Seth leads the government affairs work at the Center and is especially passionate about food security, tax justice issues, and building a better future for working families through policy change. Email Seth.
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concerns? comments?
with host Mike Diesel-Cuccherini
Hosts John Case and Karen Valentine welcome Long Time friend and Shepherdstower:
Host Mike Diesel-Cuccherini Talks with
with Special Guest
Recorded LIVE Wednesday, May 17, 2023. The Sports and Comedy attack regularly broadcasts 7 AM on Mondays.
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Enlighten Radio Presents
Broadcast LIVE Wednesday, May 17, 2023, 7 AM
Hosts: John Case and Janet Harrison
Jane Kenyon
Before you know what kindness really is
you must lose things,
feel the future dissolve in a moment
like salt in a weakened broth.
What you held in your hand,
what you counted and carefully saved,
all this must go so you know
how desolate the landscape can be
between the regions of kindness.
How you ride and ride
thinking the bus will never stop,
the passengers eating maize and chicken
will stare out the window forever.
Before you learn the tender gravity of kindness
you must travel where the Indian in a white poncho
lies dead by the side of the road.
You must see how this could be you,
how he too was someone
who journeyed through the night with plans
and the simple breath that kept him alive.
Before you know kindness as the deepest thing inside,
you must know sorrow as the other deepest thing.
You must wake up with sorrow.
You must speak to it till your voice
catches the thread of all sorrows
and you see the size of the cloth.
Then it is only kindness that makes sense anymore,
only kindness that ties your shoes
and sends you out into the day to gaze at bread,
only kindness that raises its head
from the crowd of the world to say
It is I you have been looking for,
and then goes with you everywhere
like a shadow or a friend.
Enlighten Radio Presents:
Mike Diesel counts the balls and strikes,
and shares a lifetime in comedy with Michael Aronin
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Enlighten Radio Presents
The Good Samaritan
Hosts: Karen Valentine and John Case
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Enlighten Radio Presents
The Recovery Radio Podcast: MAY 11, 2023
Enlighten Radio Presents:
Broadcast Live, May 25, 2023
Host: John Case
Enlighten Radio Presents:
Hosts: John Case and Scott Marshall
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Enlighten Radio Presents
from Shepherdstown, West Virginia
It is the 5th of May, and this IS Cinque Te Maio, but the show is more
about Rainbow Crows, Growing up with racism,
Pondering (or Ponderous?) Joe Manchin,
Wondering about "independence" -- From What Exactly?
The WNL Program broadcasts LIVE, 700 AM Eastern
hosts: John Case, Janet Harrison
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2 Poems
Bertolt Brecht:
The Rugweavers of Kujan-Bulak Honor Comrade Lenin
often and copiously honor has been done
to comrade Lenin. there are busts and statues.
cities are called after him, and children.
speeches are made in many languages
there are meetings and demonstrations
from shanghai to Chicago in Lenin's honor.
but this is how he was honored by
the carpet weavers of kuyan-bulak
a little township in southern Turkestan.
every evening there twenty carpet weavers
shaking with fever rise from their primitive looms
fever is rife: the railway station
is full of the hum of mosquitoes, a thick cloud
that rises from the swamp behind the old camels' graveyard.
but the railway train which
every two weeks brings water and smoke, brings
the news also one day
that the day approaches honoring comrade lining.
and the people of kuyan-bulak
carpet weavers, poor people
decide that in their township too comrade Lenin's
plaster bust shall be put up.
then, as the collection is made for the bust
they all stand
shaking with fever and offer
their hard-earned kopeks with trembling hands.
and the red army man Stepa Gamalev, who
carefully counts and nimutely watches
sees how ready they are to honor Lenin, and he is glad
but he also sees their unsteady hands
and he suddenly proposes
that the money for the bust be used to buy petroleum
to be poured on the swamp behind the camels' graveyard
where the mosquitoes breed that carry
the fever germ.
and so to fight the fever at kuyan-bulak, thus
honoring the dead but
never to be forgotten
comrade Lenin.
they resolved to do this. on the day of the ceremony thy carried
their dented buckets filled with black petroleum
one after the other
and poured it over the swamp
so they helped themselves by honoring Lenin, and
had understood him better.
we have heard how the people of kuyan-bulak
honored lenin. when in the evening
the petroleum had been bought and poured on the swamp
a man rose at that meeting, demanding
that a plaque be affixed on the railway station
recording these events and containing
precise details too of their altered plan, the exchange of
the bust for lenin for a barrel of fever-destroying oil.
and all this in honor of Lenin.
and they did this as well
and put up the plaque.
All of Us or None
Slave, who is it that shall free you?
Those in deepest darkness lying.
Comrade, only these can see you
Only they can hear you crying.
Comrade, only slaves can free you.
Everything or nothing. All of us or none.
One alone his lot can’t better.
Either gun or fetter.
Everything or nothing. All of us or none.
You who hunger, who shall feed you?
If it’s bread you would be carving,
Come to us, we too are starving.
Come to us and let us lead you.
Only hungry men can feed you.
Everything or nothing. All of us or none.
One alone his lot can’t better.
Either gun or fetter.
Everything or nothing. All of us or none.
Beaten man, who shall avenge you?
You, on whom the blows are falling,
Hear your wounded brothers calling.
Weakness gives us strength to lend you.
Come to us, we shall avenge you.
Everything or nothing. All of us or none.
One alone his lot can’t better.
Either gun or fetter.
Everything or nothing. All of us or none.
Who, oh wretched one, shall dare it?
He who can no longer bear it.
Counts the blows that arm his spirit.
Taught the time by need and sorrow,
Strikes today and not tomorrow.
Everything or nothing. All of us or none.
One alone his lot can’t better.
Either gun or fetter.
Everything or nothing. All of us or none.
Recorded LIVE April 27, 2023, 7 AM Eastern,
The Red Caboose Studio
Harpers Ferry, West Virginia
Enlighten Radio Presents
Recorded LIVE April 28. 2023, at EnlightenRadio.Org Studios
Labor Beat and Enlighten Radio Present:
Hosts John Case, John Christensen and Scott Marshall welcome
President of the West Virginia AFL-C()
Todays program focuses on political strategy for labor leading
into the 2024 election cycle.
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